My name is Phillmont Muktar, a Software Engineer at the AI Centre for Educational Technologies, a research centre at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I graduated from NUS, studied Computer Science and specialised in Software Engineering.
I'm building Cikgo, a personalised learning platform that enables teachers to deliver good, personalised learning experiences at scale, inspired by real-life teacher-student interactions, supercharged by AI.
I'm also developing, an open-source, gamified learning management system, used by 50 MOE schools and 34 NUS courses, with over 300 instructors and 22,000 students to date.
Oh, I also teach programming and advanced software engineering at the Department of Computer Science at the School of Computing at NUS!
I aspire to use my skills to solve real-world problems and drive the advancements in science, engineering, and technology. I'm highly passionate in the fields of software engineering and human-computer interaction.
This website is an online prospectus for Ridge View Residential College, primarily used during NUS Open Day. I oversaw the design from ideation with the theme of "The potential to be what you want to be." in 2021, prototyping and assets creation, to the final engineering and deployment of the website.
This game is a fulfillment of CS3217, an advanced software engineering course at NUS. I designed and implemented the entire game's system architecture from scratch (that's the challenge in this course!), and created all the sprites. It won first place in the 20th STePS.
FaceOff is an online multiplayer party pack game which uses players' faces as controllers. It comes with 3 party games: Detective Face, FaCard, and FacePhone. It was my CS3216 final project, and it won first place in the 17th STePS and was featured in SoC Open Day 2021.
P.S. The TURN server is no longer maintained, so playing over internet may no longer be possible.
BloodConnect aims to reduce waiting time for blood donations in emergencies and encourage young donors by introducing a reliable, relevant, digital platform, allowing blood seekers to make requests, and donors to respond to them. BloodConnect is an NUS Orbital 2020 project, and is built with React Native and Firebase.
View all of my projects